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Shame Less

By Mari Schoenzeit

The Quantum Living-Quantum Mind Series for Transformation: Volume 4

Release Date: April 2022

The heaviest and densest of the negative emotions is shame.  Shame weighs us down, leads to apathy, and leaves us feeling disillusioned and worthless.

We've all got at least some of this emotional 

crud lurking about within our psyches, and

we'll feel so much freer, lighter, and

happier without it.

In her book Shame Less, Mari Schoenzeit offers a range of ideas and solutions to help readers clear shame from the body-mind and remove its effects from their lives.

Stress Less

By Mari Schoenzeit

The Quantum Living-Quantum Mind Series for Transformation: Volume 5

Release Date: August 2022

Stress robs us of inner peace and joy while contributing to poor health and even illness.


This book helps readers assess stress levels, identify common stressors, and gives them a range of strategies and techniques to clear stress from their thinking and from their lives.

This book supports the development of a calm, clear center regardless of external pressures or circumstances.

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